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Creative Romantic Ideas

The strength and passion of your marriage largely depends on the things you do to nourish it. Unfortunately, many couples have lost the spark they shared before they were married and have replaced it with a humdrum routine. Dating and romancing your spouse can change those patterns and help get you out of the marital rut. It can be a lot of fun, but it also requires some very conscious effort.

Below are a number of ideas of things you can do to re-ignite the spark in your relationship. Every couple is different, so not all the suggestions may be suited to your particular style or relationship, but try to be flexible and willing to try new things. Think of romance as an adventure – you won’t know how something works unless you try it!

Simple (But Meaningful) Gestures

* Smile when your eyes meet.

* Send him a romantic text message, make sure it’s sweet but spicy!

* Hold his hand whenever you can.

* Stop whatever “busy” work you’re doing and join him in whatever activity he’s doing.

* Send him a virtual postcard

* Do one of his chores for him – pick a chore he dreads to do and do it for him.

* Show appreciation when your husband works hard or does something for you, let him know you appreciate him.

* Laugh at his jokes.

* Pray for him

* Put his picture as the background of your desktop.

* Run your fingers through his hair.

* Pamper him when he’s sick.

* Flirt with him

* Examine his features. Take a moment to delight yourself in him, admiring the shape of his nose, the set of his eyes. . .if he catches you staring, wink at him!

* Talk about his interests. Bring up a subject that interests him and listen to him talk. Even if the subject doesn’t interest you, enjoy just watching him light up.

* Call him by endearing names – Honey, Dear, Beloved . . .

* Sit on his lap, even if there’s sitting room elsewhere.

* Rub his feet under the table.

* Give your husband a nice cold drink if he’s working on a hot job.

* Kiss your husband in a crowded area.

* Hide love notes in his pockets.

* Compliment your husband in public where others can hear.

* Write him an email listing the top 10 things you appreciate about him.

* Tell him how strong he is the next time he lifts something heavy for you.

* Give your husband a bite of something he likes. . .but make sure YOU’RE the one who puts it in his mouth!

* Set the screen saver on your husbands computer to show the words “I love you!” (or whatever other message you want).

* Play romantic music in your bedroom.

* Tell your husband, “I’m so glad I married you!”

* Hug your husband from behind and give him a kiss on the neck.

* Place your hand on your husbands leg while you’re driving in the car.

* Write encouraging notes and leave them in random places where your husband will find them as he goes about his day.

* Mail your spouse a love letter.

* Sit on the same side of a restaurant booth.

* Write “I Love You” in the dust on the car

* Be creative in your cooking. . .make heart shaped pancakes or cookies.

* Read the scriptures to your husband before bed.

Love Coupons

Click Here for a selection of full-color,

Printable coupons, as well as ideas for how to make

Your own, and creative ways to use them.

A Spark of Romance

* Give your husband massages – a foot massage, shoulder massage, back massage, or a complete (and sensual) full body massage!

* Write a list of things you appreciate or admire about your husband. . .or the top 10 reasons why he is your hero.

* Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick stars on the ceiling above your bed to spell out a message (ex. I Love You). When the lights go out your message will be revealed.

* Get some letter magnets and write love messages on the fridge.

* Write a short message on a sticky note and put it in his Bible in the place he left off reading. Better yet, use 10 different sticky notes each containing only a PART of your message . . .he’ll be flipping through all the pages trying to collect them all.  

* When you leave your husband a note (such as, “Gone to the store”), write it in the form of a love letter. For example: “My Dearest, Although it aches my heart that I can’t be with you right now, I will join you as soon as I possibly can. Hoping the traffic will be light so I will get home to you soon, then we can sit side by side, holding each other, and enjoy the pizza I’m picking up.”

* Get a piece of paper and some crayons. Draw a bright childlike picture with a smiley sun and two stick figures holding hands. Add labels with your two names pointing to the stick figures. Write "I Love You" inside a heart. Next get a large formal envelope, place your drawing inside and mail it to your partner’s work address so they will receive it in the mail in the middle of a busy work day.

* If your partner has to work late, put together a small lunch box and label it “Night Survival Kit”. In the box, put little treats that he would enjoy, such as candy, cookies, herbal tea or hot chocolate packet, and a note letting him know you appreciate him and are looking forward to when he gets home.  

Writing Love Letters

Click Here for ideas for writing love letters.

When He’s Gone for the Day

* Pack his favorite treat. Buy his favorite candy bar and pack it in his lunch with a love note.

* Put a sticky note message on the steering wheel of the car before he leaves.

* Hide a secret love note or letter in his briefcase or backpack for him to find later.

While He’s Traveling

* Tuck love notes into his suitcase before he leaves – do it secretly so he will be surprised when he discovers them later.

* Wrap small gifts and number them so he can open one per day while he is gone.

* Use a voice recorder to record yourself speaking a romantic message to your husband.

Welcome Him Home

* Meet him at the door with a smile and a kiss!

* Don’t nag or make any comment if he is late.

* Give him at least 30 minutes to rest – without asking him to help with anything during that time.

* Put everything on hold and just spend a few minutes with him.

* Serve him – take off his shoes, offer him a drink

* Offer him a refreshing beverage (cold water, juice, coffee)

* Rub his feet. Steer him to a recliner, pull off his shoes, and rub his feet for at least 20 minutes.

* Before he gets home, leave a trail of rose petals from the door to the bedroom where he finds you at the end.

Romantic Text Messages

Click Here for ideas of text message to send to your beloved.

Love Notes to Leave Around the House

* I love you

* You're my hero

* You're the best!

* As you look in the mirror, you see. . .(the love of my life/my hero/etc)

* I appreciate how you. . .

* I think you are. . .(amazing, incredible, etc)

* You are such a blessing to me

* I thought of you today, and it made me smile.

* I have a crush on you!

Turn Up the Heat

* Go to bed before he does – take a warm bath, put on some nice lingerie and perfume, and wait for him in bed.

* Play hide and seek in the rain

* Blind fold him and lead him to a place you have prepared ahead of time with candles, music, good food, etc. Tell him that the occasion is simply celebrating the joy of being married to the greatest guy in the world.

* Email him an invitation for romance, build his anticipation, and ask him to RSVP

* Give him a full body massage.

* Wake him up with your gentle touch and kisses.

* Wear the lingerie he likes.

* Join him in the shower when he least expects it.

* Be the aggressor in the bedroom for a full week.

* While he’s away from home send him passionate text messages throughout the day.

* After your next night of love making call him at work or write a note and tell him how much you enjoyed your time together and how amazing he was.

* Bring a bottle of wine into the bedroom for you and your spouse to enjoy.

* Slowly kiss (or even lick) each of your partner’s fingers.

* Whisper something romantic to your spouse while you’re in a crowd.

* Leave teasing notes around the house to create an atmosphere of anticipation.

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* Creative Date Ideas
