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Praying For Your Husband

When my husband and I got married, I wanted to be very intentional about praying for him. . .and not just the general “I know I should”, vague, prayers. . .but really praying through each and every aspect of his life. So I took the time to write out very specific prayers that I continue to use even today.

These are not copyrighted by any means, so feel free to re-write and change them as much as you like to make them more personal for your own use. I hope they can be a blessing to you and help you in your pursuit of praying more specifically and more intentionally for your husband.

Topics of Prayer

* Affections

* Agenda

* Attitude

* Beliefs

* Choices

* Confidence

* Contentment

* Conversations

* Convictions

* Cultural Challenges

* Deliverance

* Desires

* Discipleship

* Discipline

* Emotions

* Encouragement

* Expectations

* Faith

* Fears

* Finances

* Friends

* Free Time & Entertainment

* Fulfillment

* Future

* Generosity

* Goals & Ambitions

* Guidance & Direction

* Habits

* Health

* Helpmeet

* Hospitality

* Humility

* Hurts

* Influence

* Integrity

* Leadership

* Lifestyle

* Loneliness

* Marriage

* Meetings

* Mentorship

* Mind

* Ministry

* Obedience

* Parenting

* Past

* Possessions

* Prayer Life

* Priorities

* Protection

* Purpose

* Quiet Times

* Relationships

* Repentance

* Reputation

* Respect

* Responsibilities

* Rest & Refreshment

* Satisfaction

* Self-Image

* Sexuality

* Speech

* Spiritual Growth

* Success

* Supporters

* Temptations

* This Day

* Thoughts

* Trials

* Walk

* Wisdom

* Work