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Favorite Homemaking Books

Organize Now!: A Week-by-Week Guide to Simplify Your Space and Your Life (by Jennifer Ford Berry) -- Clutter has a cost. It steals your storage space, robs your time and energy, and takes away the peace and beauty of your home. Don't pay for it another minute—get organized, now!
The Christian Homemaker's Handbook (by Pat Ennis) -- This one-stop reference tool gives you tips and training on everything from meal planning to interior decorating, biblical womanhood to budgeting, so that you can become a holistic homemaker! It features practical teaching from Scripture, instructions for do-it-yourself projects, application questions, helpful resources, a comprehensive index, and more.
The Hidden Art of Homemaking (by Edith Schaeffer) -- This book gives us "ordinary housewives" a vision to serve our families the way that Proverbs 31 woman modeled for us. Edith gives us practical daily ideas on how to serve the Lord through serving our family and others from our home.
Homemakers: A Domestic Handbook for the Digital Generation (by Brit Morin) -- Over the past three generations, the rules of homemaking and our very notions of what a homemaker is and does have radically changed. This book is full of captivating, colorful spreads, step-by-step DIYs, tips, and unique ideas, Homemakers explores a range of domestic skills room by room in a house, from cooking advice in the kitchen to health and beauty tips in the bathroom.
The Good Wife's Guide: Embracing Your Role as a Help Meet (by Darlene Faye Schacht) -- This book reminds Christian women of their special and distinct roles as women, and how submission does not mean being a doormat, but that living out God's calling as a help meet comes with incredible blessing.

The House That Cleans Itself (by Mindy Clark) -- The ultimate guide for the housekeeping-impaired! Helping you look into the reasons behind chronic messiness and helps you find permanent solutions.
Clutter's Last Stand: It's Time To De-junk Your Life! (by Don Aslett) -- One of the best de-cluttering books I have ever read. Read and re-read this book and gain something new every time. It is a fun read with great illustrations, and very practical advice you can start implimenting immediately (even before finishing the book!)
The New Messies Manual: The Procrastinator's Guide to Good Housekeeping (by Sandra Felton) -- This book is perfect for those of us women who just aren't (and can't be) Martha Stewart. There are lots of books oriented toward the "average clean" type of people, but this one is really written for the chronically messy homes.

Ten Time Management Choices That Can Change Your Life (by Sandra Felton & Marsha Sims) -- From goal setting, project management, to-do lists, and daily scheduling. Create new habits and cure chronic lateness and procrastination. Practical advice with real life applications to help readers take control of their time.
